7 Paintings for a Prosperous West Wall, Harmonize Your Home with Vastu
In the ancient Indian practice of Vastu Shastra, the west wall of your home is associated with the energies of prosperity, wealth, and relationships.…

7 Paintings for a Thriving Office West Wall, Boost Productivity and Success with Vastu
In the workplace, the west wall is associated with the energies of growth, expansion, and success. By selecting the right paintings for this wall,…

Vastu Tips for Directions before you Buy a House
Did you realize that each room must be implicitly a specific bearing as indicated by Vastu Shastra? It is ideal to think about these…

6 Vastu decorative items to pretty up your home
For happy and positive vibes, most Indian houses today are being designed and constructed according to Vastu Shastra. But if your house is not…

6 Key tips to ensure Vaastu Shastra compliance in your home
The importance of good structures and foundations can never be over stressed. According to Vaastu, all good thing attached with from the accurate structure…

5 Vastu Shastra ideas for your living room
In every home, the living/drawing room is most important place. Its is the place where people love to spend time with family members together…