Aries Sign / Mesh Rashi
Swami of Aries sign is Mars / Mangal
Chu, Choo, Che, Chay, Cho, La, Lha ,Li, Lee, Lhi, Lu, Loo, Lhu, Le, Lay, Lo, A

Which facing house is good for Mesh Rashi (Aries)?
South-bound houses are exceptionally fortunate for Mesh Rashi (Aries) individuals. They add a unique fillip to the character of the Aries public.
Read an article: Vastu Tips for Directions before you Buy a House
- All these of Rashi are basically birth sing.
- The Jatak born in Aries sign have a bit dark complexioned face, eyes Somewhat brown, dwarf or medium height, sturdy and good body, long neck and talk very sensitively.
- In this Aries rashi includes Ashwini, Bharani and first Charan of Krittika Nakshatras.
- The persons of this sign as a rule are solitary by nature; they have smiling faces and are less spoken.
- They have thin teeth in the lower jaw, upper jaw may sometimes have long teeth protruding out of the mouth.
- Anger reflects on their faces.
- Service or business they acquire has touring feature.
- Usually they may have bleeding teeth. They possess limited intelligence.
- They prefer to work under directions and guidance from others.
- Aries have scars on forehead or face.
- Aries are temperamental in nature and are prone to fevers and blood diseases. Some time they have some skin diseases Aries have generally big eyes and not good hair.
- Aries are usually very short tempered. They are very ambitious, courageous and vigilant for self-respect. They shape their own destiny by dint of struggle and hard work.
- Aries are straight forward, generous and lovers of freedom.
- Aries are very practical at work. Work for welfare in many areas of the social fabric.
- They may have weak knees and are allergic to suffocation of closed chambers.
- Many of them are water phobic. They like to stick to the profession or job they do.
- They may sometimes be acknowledged as friend offenders in the society because they don’t open up with their likes and dislikes.
- They usually have fewer children. They are gluttonous.
- Take care in these Years: 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56, and 63
- Lucky Years: 16, 20, 28, 34, 41, 48, and 51